Monday, March 29, 2010

CNN reporter deported from Burma

I feel sorry for you Mr. Rivers about your deportation. But to junta, every external reporter is its biggest enemy. You are lucky that you got the journalist passport initially and was able to present it to the world how Burma (Myanmar) is isolated and controlled by military power.

If you can see how Mr. Rivers's visa is canceled in an instant, you can imagine what they can do to the lives of Burmese citizens.

"But if this is how the army treats the international press, how will they treat political opposition parties here? If the reporters can't return, can we really believe Myanmar's dawn of democracy?" says Mr. Rivers.

My answer to Mr. Rivers's rhetorical question is that we will not have dawn of democracy until this military regime is still holding power. So, we have to overthrow this autonomic, hypocritical, and ruthless regime.
