Thursday, April 15, 2010


In the very secure city of Rangoon, my hometown, there was a huge blast this morning, causing 9 casualties and at least 30 wounded people. (according to BBC)

In fact, total of 59 man and 16 woman were injured, according to resources.

Today is the most sacred holiday called Thingyan for Buddhist people. In this water festival, people play water from 13th April to 16th April in order to celebrate this sacred holiday. The purpose of Thingyan is to clear the sins from last year and be a new person with new soul and body.

However, Military government banned building of Pandals ('mandat' in Burmese or 'pavalions') around the city since last 4 years, allowing people to build Pandals in a big road called Inyar Road where most of the higher-ups from military live. Do they not want people to clear their mind and body? May be they don't.

Surprisingly and sadly, Military government banned building of Pandals even in Inyar Road this year. As Thingyan is important for Burmese people, Pandal coordinators decided to build near the Kandawgyi, which is one of the most famous place in Rangoon.

A lot of people went there for celebrating the festival. What did they get? They got bombed. Isn't it too obvious that the military government deliberately moved the festival area to the place where the higer-ups do not live?

And don't forget that in September the military government shot monks, the most sacred persons for Buddhists and for people in Burma. So, it is not a surprise that the junta won't even care about the people under their reign.

But what makes me think this way?

There will be a so called election in October where many political parties will get involved, except NLD which got highly supported by Burmese citizens.

In 1990, NLD won the election by high percentage of support but the military government cheated the ballot counts and made fake ballots of their own. They overruled the election and took the position of the head of the state by force.

Talking about history, there was also bombing before the referendum in 2008. And the bombing was very close to the City Hall which had a very tight security. Who else can get near city hall without permission from the military? Who else can diffuse the bomb near the city hall? I could think of no one, except the military junta.

But why? Why did they want to plant the bomb near the city hall? They just tried to scare people and wanted to win the election in dirty way.

Back to present, IT IS HAPPENING AGAIN!!! They want to get the "Seat at the United Nations" which is taken by NLD by scaring people. Without a doubt, the junta will definitely blame and link these bombings on NLD in a few days.

My guess is there will be more terrorist activities in coming months in order to discredit NLD. And of course, they are using such "control-by-scaring" tactics to baffle the minds of the citizen and hoping to get the reason to disband NLD.

After all, their goal is to wipe out the name, "NLD", from the surface of the earth and rule over the country with the dirtiest tricks.

BBC News
CNN News

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