Thursday, May 6, 2010

Burmese Generals deceive US Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs

WASHINGTON — Speaking at a daily press briefing on Tuesday, the assistant secretary of state for public affairs, P J Crowley, suggested that if Burmese generals resigned from the military to contest the upcoming election, this could be seen as a positive step.

Even Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs was deceived by the sly actions of Military Junta. Do you really believe these Burmese generals resigned for good or for the well-being of Burma? Of course not!

These generals are resigning because they have to cope with the unjust rules of 2010 Election written by themselves and because they want other countries to think they have become innocent. Even prime minister, Thein Sein, has stood down from his super position to take part in 2010 Election. If this is not the greediness, then what is it?

One thing for sure is that these resignations are not POSITIVE in all senses!

Jha, Lalit K. Generals Resignation for Election May Be Positive. Irrawaddy. May 5 2010

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