Thursday, June 17, 2010

Burma Joining the Mass Destruction Allies

Burmese Foreign Minister Nyan Win met with an Iranian goodwill delegation at the Foreign Ministry in Naypyidaw on Wednesday afternoon, according to the state-run newspaper, The New Light of Myanmar.

The report provided no further details about the visit, the first by an Iranian delegation since 2006.

Although Iran is not closely allied with Burma's ruling regime, the two countries share a similar pariah status in the international community due to their repression of internal dissent and worries about their military ambitions.

In recent years, the junta has reached out to several other nations that have been singled out for censure, including North Korea, Sudan and Sri Lanka. -- Irrawaddy

Obviously, the Burmese junta joining the Mass Destruction Allies. Since Burmese Generals are illiterate people, they will be manipulated by Iran and North Korea and will not hold back in using the weapons, thus threatening the world's security without a doubt. If UN and EU do not respond to these delegations (of Iran and of North Korea), Burma is going to be one of the nations that the world cannot control.


Burmese Foreign Minister Receives Iranian Delegation. The Irrawaddy. June 17, 2010.

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