Tuesday, June 22, 2010

More violation of Human Rights

Political parties in Burma must apply to the Election Commission (EC) for permission to hold political gatherings and to give speeches at least seven days prior to the event, according to a state-run newspaper.

The new EC directive (Directive No.2/2010) was published on Wednesday, requiring political parties to provide the specific place, date, starting and finishing time, and the name and address of speakers.

The EC will issue a permit or reject the request at least 48 hours before the requested date.

However, if necessary, “the rules and regulations enumerated in the permit may be amended or the permit may be revoked for the sake of security, [or] the rule of law and peace” the directive said.

The directive also prohibits the act of marching to the designated gathering point or venue while displaying party flags or chanting slogans in procession, and parties must disperse without any slogan-chanting march at the end of the assembly and speeches.

Political parties must also agree not to say or publish anything that criticizes the military, government service personnel or misuses religion or education for political gain. -- The Irrawaddy

Where do such laws exist? And these laws are the violation of Global Human Rights created by the junta's dog, EC (election commission). We don't need permission to speak or talk in the public. We can say whatever we want in the public.
If the parties, cannot make gatherings or give speeches, this Election is just another laughing-stock for the International Community. UN must never enforce this election whatever means that is needed to be taken.

Htwe, Ko. Parties Must Have Permit to Gather, Give Speeches. The Irrawaddy. June 22, 2010. http://www.irrawaddy.org/article.php?art_id=18785

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