Friday, June 4, 2010

Junta's Covert Nuclear Plans and Burma, Ignoring Nuclear Disarmament

The Burmese junta’s ambition to become a nuclear power is a threat to regional security, according to a documentary by the Norway-based Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB), which alleges that Naypyidaw is developing nuclear weapons and a missiles system with help from North Korea.

Quoting experts and defectors, the documentary, which was aired by Al Jazeera on Friday, said that if the junta achieves its goal, Burmese missiles could target neighboring countries, as well as threatening US military activities in the Indian Ocean.

Burmese army defector Maj Sai Thein Win, who is a missiles expert, said the junta is constructing nuclear and missiles facilities at at least two sites in Magwe and Mandalay divisions in central Burma.

“They [the junta] really want a [nuclear] bomb. That is their main objective,” said Sai Thein Win in the documentary. “They want to have rockets and nuclear warheads.” -- Irrawaddy

Should not UN be very strict with its UN Nuclear Resolutions? Thanks to Major Sai Thein Win, the world could apprehend the evil nuclear plans of the junta. Anywhere in Burma is not a safe place to live anymore. International must interfere or Burma will be the second North Korea in a couple of years. Hopefully, Rangoon, where most politicians live, will not be the target of the nuclear warheads. I care more about people in Rangoon or anywhere else in Burma than neighboring countries or the US military fleet in the Indian Ocean.


Moe, Wai. Burma's Nuclear Ambitions 'Threaten Regional Security'. The Irrawaddy. June 4 2010.

Roughneen, Simon. Evidence Points to Burma's Nuclear Weapons Intent. The Irrawaddy. June 4 2010.

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