Friday, June 25, 2010

Some political parties will sacrifice to educate people

Officials at some registered political parties say they know the election will be unfair, but they will participate to help educate the public about the political process.

Nay Myo Wai, the secretary of the Peace and Diversity Party (PDP), told The Irrawaddy on Friday:“ We know the circumstances. And we know the election will not be free and fair. We will participate to help the people understand the political process.”

The public has many interests and many people are not concentrating on politics or the election process, while the military government is going all out to make its Union Solidarity Development Party the clear winner, said Phyo Min Thein, the chairman of the Union Democratic Party (UDP)

“People are not active in politics,” he said. “The government doesn't want people to concentrate on the election. People didn't have much interest in the 2008 constitutional referendum. If people don't take part, government can do what it wants.” said Phyo Min Thein. -- The Irrawaddy.

The election has been unfair since the beginning. Thanks to those who sacrifice themselves, people will be educated, at least, a little bit. It is true that the junta doesn't want people to concentrate on the election, but since the junta has made the country poor, Burmese people do not have time to worry about the 2010 election or the 2008 referendum.


Htwe, Ko. Political Parties Want to Educate the Public. The Irrawaddy. June 25, 2010.

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