Saturday, June 19, 2010

Ridiculous Letter to U.N nuclear agency from the junta

Burma has sent a letter to the U.N. nuclear agency insisting it has no current or future plan to develop a nuclear program in the isolated country's second denial this month after reports emerged it may be seeking an atomic weapon. -- The Associate Press.

It would be a ridiculous letter, blindly stating that the junta is not producing Nukes. The hard evidences have proven that the junta is tricking German Company to help them building Nukes. If U.N nuclear agency believe and accept the junta's claim, U.N will fail the hearts of all Burmeses over the world.

Check Aljazeera English from Youtube or from the videos above for DVB's video evidences of Burmese junta's Nuclear plots.

Burma Denies Allegations It Is Seeking Nukes. The Associate Press. June 19, 2010.

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