Wednesday, June 23, 2010

NLD Leaders Tour Burma

Despite being disbanded for failing to register for this year's upcoming election, the National League for Democracy (NLD) remains active, sending senior members to branch offices around Burma to discuss strategy.

On Sunday, Win Tin, an NLD executive member, traveled to Karen State to meet with former party members. “I told them not to vote in the election,” he said, speaking to The Irrawaddy on Wednesday.

Win Tin, who was accompanied by two other party members from the the NLD's Rangoon headquarters, said he also urged the members in Karen State to boycott the pro-junta Union Solidarity and Development Party, led by Prime Minister Thein Sein, and the National Unity Party, formed from late dictator Ne Win's authoritarian Burma Socialist Programme Party.

“The purpose of the trip was to consolidate party unity and listen to the voices of members who face difficulties since the party decided not to register. We also wanted to tell them that we will not abandon them. We will continue to work more actively in politics,” said Win Tin. -- The Irrawaddy.

What a marvelous work by Mr. Tin, telling former party members not to vote this unfair/unjust 2010 Election. USDP has been incessantly trying to win the election by not only cheating votes, but also forcing people to vote for them. So, we have to dissuade people from voting for those pro-government parties. Moreover, people must show their courage and their feelings by not going to the ballot stations as Burmese Noble Laureate Daw Suu Kyi said.


Lawi, Weng. NLD Leaders Tour Burma. The Irrawaddy. June 23, 2010.

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