Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Than Shwe, Laotian PM Discuss Military Ties

By Wai Moe (June 23, 2010)

Burma’s junta chief Snr-Gen Than Shwe and his top four generals met with Laotian Prime Minister Bouasone Bouphavanh on Monday to discuss intelligence issues along with strengthening military and bilateral ties, according to military sources.

Bouphavanh’s trip followed a visit by Brig-Gen Bouasieng Champaphanh, the deputy chief of staff of the Laos Armed Forces, who visited Burma on June 9-12.

Champaphanh met with Lt-Gen Ye Myint, chief of military affairs security, who heads the junta’s plan to transform ethnic groups into a border guard force under Naypyidaw’s command.

Burmese leaders and the Laotian delegation met in Naypyidaw on Tuesday. Prime Minister Bouasone Bouphavanh is standing to Snr-Gen Than Shwe's right. (Photo: MNA)
Senior Burmese and Laotian military officials were expected to discuss tension between the junta and ethnic militias, including National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA) bases located near China and Laos in eastern Burma.

Burmese military observers have said that if the junta launches an offensive against ethnic armed groups over the border guard force issue, it might choose a small group, such as the NDAA, as its first target. The NDAA is an ally of the largest ethnic armed group, the United Wa State Army.

Another key issue between the two countries is drug trafficking. In February, 15 Burmese anti-narcotic agents were ambushed by suspected drug dealers while they traveled along the Mekong River in the Golden Triangle area, where Burma, Laos and Thailand meet.

At the time, Burmese police blamed Shan drug lord Naw Kham for the ambush. Naw Kham is wanted by authorities in Thailand, Burma, China and Laos for drug trafficking.

Lt-Gen Ye Myint, right front, chief of military affairs security, meets with Brig-Gen Bouasieng Champaphanh and the Laotian delegation in Naypyidaw. (Photo: MNA)
According to a state-run-newspaper, The New Light of Myanmar, Than Shwe met the Laotian delegation accompanied by: No 2 Vice Snr-Gen Maung Aye, vice commander-in-chief of the Tatmadaw [armed forces]; No 3 Gen Shwe Mann, joint chief of staff of the Tatmadaw; No 4 Gen Tin Aung Myint Oo, quartermaster general; and No 5 Lt-Gen Tin Aye, chief of military ordnance.

Other officials at the meeting were Prime Minister Thein Sein; Foreign Minister Nyan Win and Soe Tha, minister of National Planning and Economic Development.

During a bilateral meeting between the Burmese delegation led by Thein Sein, Burma’s deputy defense minister Aye Myint attended.

Moe, Wai. Than Shwe, Laotian PM Discuss Military Ties. The Irrawaddy. June 23, 2010.

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