Saturday, June 5, 2010

Absense of Burmese Deputy Defense Minister from Shangri La Dialogue

Burmese Deputy Defense Minister Maj-Gen Aye Myint was absent from the 9th annual Shangri La Dialogue, an Asia-Pacific security summit held in Singapore on June 4-6.

The summit brings together defense ministers, academics and security experts to discuss Asia-Pacific security issues, including weapons of mass destruction, biological weapons and humanitarian and disaster relief.

Aye Myint's absence came as fresh evidence of Burma's nascent nuclear weapons program was revealed in a documentary aired on the Doha-based Al Jazeera television network on Friday. -- Irrawaddy

Must not every Deputy Defense Minister attend Security Summit? This is totally an ignorance to other countries in Asia, and this is an absolute evidence that Burmese junta is creating nuclear weapons. If the regime does not relate nuclear armaments, Maj-Gen Aye Myint should be boldly attending the 9th annual Shangri La Dialogue.

Though, it is interesting that nobody mentioned Burmese junta's nuclear plans at the Summit. Are these nations scared? Are they afraid that they will be the targets of Burma in future?

Naing, Saw Yan. Burma's Deputy Defense Minister Skips Security Summit. The Irrawaddy. June 5, 2010.

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