Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Heartless Military Coconut Head

In an article titled “The Worst of the Worst,” Foreign Policy magazine named junta chief Snr-Gen Than Shwe the world's third worst dictator, with North Korean leader Kim Jong Il ranked No 1 and Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe No 2.

Than Shwe, Kim Jong Il and Mugabe were pictured on the magazine cover with the caption, “The committee to destroy the world.”

Than Shwe, who has been ruling Burma by force for almost 20 years, was described by Foreign Policy as a “heartless military coconut head whose sole consuming preoccupation is power.”

The article said the Burmese dictator has decimated the opposition with arrests and detentions, denied humanitarian assistance to his people in the wake of Cyclone Nargis, which devastated Burma in May 2008, and thrived off a black market economy and natural gas exports.

“This vainglorious general bubbling with swagger sports a uniform festooned with self-awarded medals, but he is too cowardly to face an honest ballot box,” the article said. -- The Irrawaddy.

Heartless Military Coconut Head? Very good word choice. That's exactly what he is. Although it is not a surprise, I cannot stop laughing that Dictator Than Shwe was titled this way. However, it was a sad news that Than Shwe only got third place. He should at least tie with North Korean Kim Jong Ii.


The Irrawaddy. Than Shwe the Third 'Worst of the Worst'. June 23, 2010.

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