Friday, June 4, 2010

Tunnels in Burma -- Resurfaced

The Burmese military regime is constructing a tunnel in Rakhine Yoma, some 80 km west of Padan Township in Magway Division, local sources said. The tunnel is 50 feet wide and 50 feet high, a worker from the project said, and is being supervised by North Korean technicians.

On Friday, fresh evidence of the regime constructing a secret network of hidden bunkers and tunnels across the country surfaced. According to an investigative film by an exiled Burmese broadcaster, the Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB), which was aired by Al Jazeera on Friday, some tunnels are marked as substations for fiber optic cables and are part of a plan to provide the military with a secure nationwide communications network.

“They are constructing a tunnel ... a huge tunnel. Many tunnels all over the country,” said Sai Thein Win—a former defense engineer and missile expert who recently defected from the army—in the film. The documentary also revealed bunkers alleged to be used as secret military storage facilities and command centers in case of aerial attacks. -- Irrawaddy

Tunnels again! Before this new evidence from former Major Sai Thein Win, tunnels are believed to be the hiding places for the generals of junta when US aircrafts come. Experts referred these tunnels as rat-tunnel defense used by Vietnams when they fought US in World War II.

Now, these tunnels are proven to be not only bunkers, but also nuclear missile-silos. UN and EU should have closely and tightly scrutinized these rats (generals) since North Korea's ship carrying weapons anchored at Burma shore in June 2009.

Because of these negligence, Burma is going to be a second North Korea and Burmese citizens are in danger of nuclear side-effects and consequences.

Paing, Yan. Junta Constructing Tunnel in Magway. The Irrawaddy. June 4, 2010.

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