Thursday, June 24, 2010

North Korean Rockets Found Again

North Korean-made truck-mounted multiple launch rocket systems have been reportedly set up at Burmese army bases in northern, eastern and central Burma, according to military sources.

The North Korean rockets were recently delivered to missile operation commands in Mohnyin in Kachin State, Naungcho and Kengtung in Shan State and Kyaukpadaung in Mandalay Division, sources said. Missile operation commands were reportedly formed in 2009.

It is not clear when the multiple launch rocket systems were shipped from North Korea. However, military sources said delivery of rocket launchers mounted on trucks occurred several times in recent years.

Sources said they witnessed at least 14 units of 240-mm truck-mounted multiple launch rocket systems arrive at Thilawa Port near Rangoon on the North Korean vessel, Kang Nam I, in early 2008. Previous reports said Burma had purchased 30 units of 240-mm truck-mounted multiple launch rocket systems from North Korean. -- The Irrawaddy

Burma is not a safe country anymore as it was before. It has armaments imported directly from North Korea, which is an EYE-SORE TO UNITED STATES. So, if US or International would ever wanted to scare North Korea, Burma will be the victim. Burmese people are in danger of missiles from both inside and outside of the country.

Lwin, Min and Moe, Wai. More North Korean Rockets Reported in Burma. The Irrawaddy. June 24, 2010.

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